Garden Remedies Cannabis

Outdoor Movies To See in Massachusetts This Summer

By Garden Remedies

People sitting on grass

What says summer better than watching a movie on a big outdoor screen? We may run to the multiplex to feel the cool blast of super-powered air conditioning, but when the weather is right, absolutely nothing beats an outdoor screening under the stars. 

Most options involve taking a car to a drive-in—but not all! For those without driving options, there’s also plenty of options for outdoor movie watching that you can easily get to via local transit options, especially near Boston and Newton.

Whether you’d like to see old films, new ones, or perhaps even some live music, read about these venues and programs below to find the one that’s right for you! 

Mayor’s Movie Night 

Starting in August, the city of Boston is hosting free films in parks all across the city. Beginning on August 2nd with The Mitchells vs. The Machines in Jamaica Plain, the series will rotate through parks in East Boston, Roslindale, Roxbury, Brighton, and other Boston neighborhoods. 

The grand finale is on September 1st with the original Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, playing in the Boston Common. All shows begin at dusk, see the link above for more information!

Mendon Twin Drive-In 

The Mendon Twin Drive-In, sometimes referred to as “America’s most beloved drive-in,” is located about 50 minutes outside of Boston. It’s an old-school drive-in with the credentials and tenure to prove it—the Mendon Twin first opened in 1954! 

You definitely get the best bang for your buck at the Mendon—each screening is a double feature of two recent blockbusters. Plus, the Mendon has all of the classic snacks you would want in a drive-in experience, like fresh popped popcorn, fried dough, soft-serve ice cream, burgers, and more!

For a truly authentic drive-in experience, this is the prime choice.

Wenham Street Cinema 

Of all the options here, this one is my personal favorite… how could you not love a cinema showing free movies out of their garage for everyone in the community? 

In 2021, Jamaica Plain local Matt Shuman found a projector screen thrown out in a dumpster and decided to do something with it. The cinema’s schedule is chalked on the door of his garage and promoted on Instagram. 

The Wenham Street Cinema is also beginning to host live music events, with the next ones scheduled for July 17, August 28, and September 25.

Just like when visiting any other space on this list, be sure to respect the community, follow all pertinent regulations, and most of all, have fun! 

Did we forget your favorite outdoor movie spot? Be sure to let us know on social media! 

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