Garden Remedies Cannabis

Why Flower Hour Is Replacing Wine O'Clock — The Mom's Guide to Cannabis

Mothers laughing together

Around the country, flower hour is replacing wine o'clock as more and more moms discover that cannabis helps them unwind, manage their anxiety, and enjoy their family time with less stress. In 2017, Yahoo News and the Marist Poll published a report on the changing attitudes about cannabis in a report called Weed and the American Family. The report spawned news stories with headlines like "Your Parents Are Probably Smoking Pot," which emphasized how legalization of cannabis — both medicinal and adult use — has reduced the stigma that's so long been attached to consuming cannabis. 

Since then, celebrity parents and others have jumped on the bandwagon, making #momswhosmokeweed a trending hashtag on Twitter, Instagram and other social media. Of course, the hashtag overlooks the fact that there are now many easily accessible ways to consume cannabis in addition to sparking up. If you're a cannacurious mom, here's what you should know about consuming cannabis while parenting. 

Why Cannabis?

When Caitlin Fladager posted a photo of herself lighting up next to a sign that read "Mom Truth: Weed should be just as acceptable as a glass of wine," she expected a backlash. Instead, she got a barrage of mostly positive responses from other moms, many of them explaining why they choose bud over alcohol. Listed below are just a few of the reasons. 

  • Cannabis reduces anxiety, which helps moms relax and deal with everyday life in a better frame of mind.
  • It combats stress and many of its symptoms, and helps improve your mood.
  • Cannabis relieves many types of pain, allowing parents to be more fully present with their families.
  • It helps with sleep, and a well-rested mom has more reserves to deal with the day, both physically and emotionally.
  • It can even improve your relationship with your significant other by promoting intimacy.
  • It has fewer and less severe side effects than most pharmaceutical treatments for anxiety, depression, pain and mood disorders.
  • Cannabis is less addictive and damaging than alcohol. 
  • It can help improve focus and release your creativity.
  • Cannabis doesn't leave you with a hangover.

When Is Flower Hour?

Just like wine o'clock, flower hour is subjective. Fitting cannabis consumption into your routine may take a little thought, as well as a little understanding of the effects of cannabis on your particular body. Choosing the best product and method of consumption depends a lot on your goal and the kind of experience you want to have. Below are just a few of the ways that you can use cannabis to relax and enjoy life a little more.


Instead of a beer or glass of wine to ease the transition from working woman to mom, sip an infused seltzer


For many couples, the before-dinner hour is a great time to share a pre-roll and relax together. Choose a relatively low-THC variety to inspire conversation without getting you too much into your head.


Get your giggles on by indulging in a little flower or an infused seltzer while just hanging out, or plan a canna-infused activity, like a paint night or a game of giant Jenga.


Whether you're planning to work out or do an in-depth house-cleaning, dip into your stash and turn up the music to amp up your energy and get you more focused on the task at hand. It's so much better than whistling while you work.


When anxiety is making it hard to focus, a fruit chew can help you calm down and get on with your day. Keep a tin in your desk drawer for those days when everything is getting on your last nerve.


Throw a luxurious spa party for those days you need a little extra self-care. Fill the tub, put on your favorite playlist, and unwrap a square of decadent chocolate to put you in that dreamy state.


Enjoy the aphrodisiac effects of cannabis with your partner. Studies show that many people enjoy sexual and sensual activities more when they indulge in a little pre-coital bliss.


Whether you make it part of your bedtime routine or save it for those nights when stress keeps you awake, a bedtime gummy can help relax your body and prepare you for a good night's sleep.


As with any intoxicating product, it's crucial to observe important safety precautions when using cannabis. These are especially important if you live in a house with children.

  • Don't use and drive.
  • Treat your cannabis as you would any prescription medication. Put it in a locked, childproof box and keep it out of the reach of children. This is especially true of edibles, which children may mistake for candy.
  • Keep cannabis products away from pets.
  • Start low and go slow, especially with edibles. Check out our  Cannabis 101 section to learn more.

For The Canna Curious Mom

Whether mom is parenting young children or the kids are grown and gone, she deserves to indulge her budding curiosity (sorry!) with cannabis products that are perfect for beginners. Consumables like chocolate bars, chewy gummy edibles, and sippable indulgences are an easy on-ramp that don't require any specialized knowledge or equipment.

As the cannabis industry expands into more and more products and options, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all the choices. If you're confused or just need a little help making the best choice, check with one of our trained, experienced Cannabis Advisors. They're always happy to answer questions and help you craft exactly the experience you want.

Deb Powers is a Massachusetts-based freelance writer who has been writing about cannabis and natural wellness for nearly two decades. Her work has appeared on Civilized.Life and numerous industry websites.


The Harvard Gazette - What We Don't Know About Pot

Marist Poll - Weed and the American Family

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