By Garden Remedies
You may have heard these terms thrown around – or you may even have been offered one that one time at a party…
Handed something that looked like a joint (but much thicker), you paused. Eyeing the slow-burning thing in your hand, you raised an eyebrow at your friend.
“Oh, that’s a blunt,” he told you, voice raised over the party’s music and noise.
“But it doesn’t really smell like weed,” you responded.
Leaning toward you, your friend delivered a groundbreaking message about blunts : they are cannabis rolled in cigar wraps, tobacco leaf wraps, or hemp wraps, which explains their peppery scent.
You still haven’t forgotten what happened next that night – the amusement, the laughs with friends, the true contentment, and the lifted spirits that lasted for hours, all thanks to that blunt.
Since then, you’ve been wanting to learn more about blunts, along with other ways to smoke cannabis. The joint vs. blunt vs. spliff debate can be equal parts questions and personal opinions. Our guide will sort out fact from fiction – and guide you to identify the best choice for your next smoke.
Want to get personalized recommendations from the expert team of Cannabis Advisors at Garden Remedies? Come by our medical and recreational dispensaries in Newton, Marlborough, and Melrose, MA to learn more and pick out your new favorite cannabis products, all high-quality, selected with care, and crafted with precision for maximum enjoyment.
Joints, blunts, and spliffs all have one crucial component in common: they’re wonderful ways to smoke marijuana. But, due to their variety of ingredients, they can all provide different experiences.
The contents and wrapping material you choose separate joints – which you might know well – from lesser-known blunts and spliffs.
First, joints and blunts share a major similarity. They both contain cannabis (and only cannabis!). We recommend sticking to high-quality cannabis from your local dispensary (and skipping any leftover stuff from that one friend). Trust me, when your joints and blunts start with the finest ingredients, you’ll taste the difference.
On the other hand, spliffs are made out of both cannabis and tobacco. [1] Of course, the quality matters equally here. Due to this special combination, spliffs don’t taste or smell like joints, and they may provide a new smoking experience for you if you usually stick to joints. But we’ll get to that.
Unlike spliffs and joints, blunts are rolled in special wraps.
Did you know that the original blunts were hollowed-out cigars? Some folks still enjoy them like that today. So, if you’re up for a challenge, it can be fun to make your blunts the old-fashioned way by removing the contents of a cigar or cigarillos and replacing them with cannabis.
If not, you can use cigar wraps, tobacco leaf wraps, or hemp wraps (which are like hemp papers but thicker) to make your blunt.
For joints and spliffs, you can use the papers you might already have. Thin rolling papers made of hemp, rice, and wood pulp work nicely for joints. You can use the same ones for joints or experiment with flavored papers – just be sure to mix the cannabis with tobacco before rolling.
We love hemp papers since they tend to burn more slowly than traditional rolling papers, and they carry a nice natural taste. They can be a bit more difficult to roll, though. You’ll discover your own preferences as you try out more fun ways to smoke marijuana.
You’ll also want to pick up some filters and crutches for your joints and spliffs – and maybe even for your hand-rolled blunts, though that’s a less common option in the enticing joint vs. blunt vs. spliff conversation.
A joint is cannabis rolled in thin paper.
A blunt is cannabis rolled in cigar or tobacco leaf wraps.
A spliff is cannabis and tobacco rolled in thin paper.
Just like their contents and wrappings vary, joints, blunts, and spliffs all provide different kinds of smoking experiences. Of course, effects largely depend on you – how you’re feeling, what you’re doing, where you are when you smoke.
How you’ve felt in the past while smoking might be a good indicator for how it might go this time… But every time can be different.
Want to be as prepared as possible – and choose your cannabis products wisely? Understanding the basic effects of a joint vs. blunt vs. spliff will set you up.
As you know by now, blunts are crafted with cannabis and special wraps – either cigar wraps, tobacco leaf wraps, hemp wraps, or hollow-out cigars. They have a uniquely spicy flavor profile, and they may give you a slight buzz (though they’re not as strong as spliffs can be).
Members of the cannabis community love blunts for their classic, rich feel – picture old-fashioned smoking lounges – and because they have long burn times. You can also fit more flower into blunt wraps than a traditional rolled joint: joints contain about one third of a gram on average; blunts usually hold 1 or 2 grams of cannabis. [3]
All this makes them ideal for sharing with friends (like at that party that one time, remember?). Everyone will thank you if you bring a blunt (homemade or from Garden Remedies) to your next group hang.
Did you start your cannabis journey this way? Many people become acquainted with joints (homemade or pre-rolled) before exploring other forms of cannabis.
They’re a go-to for many reasons. Unlike with blunts or spliffs, you’re mostly getting the taste of cannabis flower, since they’re typically rolled with basic, flavorless paper. Trying a variety of joints can be a good way to learn more about cannabis, as you discover over time which strains you prefer.
With the wrapping of a joint – plus significantly more tobacco inside than the outside of a blunt – spliffs are known for their buzz. The hit of nicotine might go straight to your head, producing a pleasant, buzzing sensation.
Have you ever smoked cannabis and felt yourself transported to another dimension? Tobacco might prevent some of that with its grounding properties. Your experience might be more grounding or elevating depending on the ratio of cannabis to tobacco present in your spliff – and your usual tendencies when enjoying marijuana.
Stick to spliffs when you want to chill out but still have some items to cross off your to-do list. Or when you want to kick back while chatting with friends.
Whether you’re smoking a joint vs. blunt vs. spliff, practice makes perfect! It will take some time to learn what you like and how you like to make them. Enjoy the journey.
We’re here to help at Garden Remedies with our selection of top-tier products and our helpful team of Cannabis Advisors. Come check us out in Newton, Melrose, and Marlborough, MA – and feel free to ask your questions about the joint vs. blunt vs. spliff debate.
At Garden Remedies, we have everything you need to enjoy your next smoke – from cannabis to rolling papers for joints, blunts, and spliffs. Order online or come pick up your top picks in person at our Massachusetts dispensaries.
These are called classics for a reason: they’re a great place to start, particularly if you’re new to rolling and looking for some easy-to-use options. The King Size Cones by RAW are pre-rolled for your convenience.
Hemp paper has been the talk of the town since folks discovered that they’re a more natural alternative to traditional rolling papers – plus they’re biodegradable. These organic hemp wraps would be especially tasty if you’re looking to make a special spliff, a flavored joint, or a tobacco-free blunt. [2]
Making your blunts at home can be an interesting and fun challenge. Or you could let us take care of that and just try one of our tobacco-free blunts!
Out of our large variety of flower, all wonderful for your next joint vs. blunt vs spliff, be sure to try our Realm flower!
Want to skip the rolling and get straight to the good part? Made of cannabis and thin papers, these pre-rolls are just like the joints you would make at home. Consider them rolled by your good friends at Garden Remedies.
[1] https://www.leafly.com/learn/consume/smoke/difference-between-joints-blunts-spliffs
[2] https://fatbuddhaglass.com/blogs/fat-buddha-blog/hemp-wraps-complete-guide
[3] https://www.headshop.com/en-ca/blogs/smoking-blunts/how-many-grams-in-a-blunt.
416 Boston Post Rd E
Marlborough, MA 01752
Monday - Saturday
9:00am - 10:00pm
10:00am - 8:00pm
697 Washington St
Newton, MA 02458
Monday - Saturday
9:00am - 9:00pm
12:00pm - 6:00pm
PLEASE CONSUME RESPONSIBLY. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 years of age or older. Keep out of the reach of children. This product has not been analyzed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There is limited information on the side effects of using this product, and there may be associated health risks. Marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding may pose potential harms. It is against the law to drive and operate machinery when under the influence of this product. KEEP THIS PRODUCT AWAY FROM CHILDREN. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. The impairment effects of edible marijuana products may be delayed by two hours or more. In case of accidental ingestion, contact poison control hotline 1-800-222-1222 or 911. This product may be illegal outside of MA.